The city of Christchurch has been devastated by the February ’11 earthquake. In the rebuild, it is vital that the people of the city have proper engagement. Decisions must not be left to central government to make without adequate public consultation and input. We have a unique opportunity here to develop a strategic vision for a new city based on 21st century values and technology.
This first of a series of three public forums invites the public to make that input into the future of Christchurch. We suggest that three principles be recognised:
- community resilience
- risk management
- ecological integrity
The meetings will focus on two geographical entities – the inner city and the suburban communities. While the relationship between these is close, Meeting 1 will focus especially on the inner city while Meetings 2 and 3 will stress the suburban communities.
The rebuild requires both vision and realism – an eco-city that is resilient, risk-minimised and ecologically sustainable; with a practical plan for costing and paying for its realisation.
The common issues in each area for an integrated landscape architecture are the following:
1. Land: Geography (including seismology) as the principal determinant
2. City: Urban design – the inner city and the suburban communities
3. Architecture: Type of spaces
4. Buildings: Type of buildings
5. Water: An integrated system for fresh water, waste water & storm water
6. Transport: An integrated system of public & private transport
Recognised experts in each of the above areas will make 10-minute presentations to the meeting. The meeting will then break into six focus groups with a facilitator convening and the relevant expert advising. A plenary session will receive reports from each group.
7.00 – 7.10 pm Welcome and Introduction Kennedy Graham, MP
7.10 – 8.10 pm Presentations Resource persons
8.10 – 8.40 pm Group sessions Facilitators
8.40 – 9.00 pm Plenary: reports back Facilitators
9.00 – 9.15 pm Summation John Peet (SANZ)
Meeting 1. The Inner City
Wedn. 20 April 7.00 pm Netball Centre, South Hagley Park
Subject Resource Person Group Facilitator
1. Land: Di Lucas (ILFA)* John Hayman
2. City Suzanne Vallance (LU)* David Moorhouse
3. Architecture Jasper van der Lingen (NZIA)* John Kelcher
4. Buildings Prof. Andy Buchanan (UC)* Danny Squires
5. Water Andrew Dakers (EcoEng)* Eugenie Sage
6. Transport Chris Kissling (LU)* Pru Stringer
Questions to address:
1. Should the location and rebuild factor in threats such as tsunami and sea-level rise?
2. What is the purpose of the inner city?
3. How many buildings are to be demolished in what time-frame?
4. Should there a six-monthly moratorium on rebuilding, as occurred in Napier?
5. What is the scope for a redesign of the four avenues: total or partial rebuild?
6. How many buildings are private, how many public: what is the scope for cooperation?
7. Is there an opportunity for public purchase of the inner city for creating green spaces?
8. Should there be special legislation for setting environmental standards for Christchurch?
9. What building materials should be utilised – how high should the buildings be?
10. Should there be any residential buildings inside the inner city?
11. What population density is optimal for the city?
12. Should the new city aspire to have sustainable ecological and carbon footprints?
13. What public/private transport arrangements should be introduced to the inner city?
14. How to attract professional and business groups to return to the inner city? Or is it preferable that they remain in the surrounding areas?
15. What is the estimated net cost of the total rebuild and how is it to be financed?
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